Bitcoin Monster by Zongcheng Saelee @Eastfist
First purchase using bitcoin of iamnotmagritte mug by Helen Kholin @HelenKholin
LotR Lord of the Rings Bitcoin Wallpaper from CGP Grey[kad_youtube url=”” ]
Ode to Satoshi Nakamoto by Coretechs Ode to Satoshi Nakamoto In the year of the bailouts, 2008, The bankers were printing more debt for the state The dollar grew weaker, the big picture clear As they fed the hangover more Keynesian beer World leaders debated, directing the blame But with no real solutions, just more of the same Regulation, mark-to-market, housing costs for the poor Or maybe just our pure desire for more Who’s to blame, is this caused by desire for wealth? When perhaps the real problem is money itself! The idea isn’t new, maybe everything’s tanking ‘Cause society is built on fractional reserve banking And so called “investment” and attempted control May soon spiral fiat into a death roll As elected officials looked dumber and dumber Others started to put their faith into numbers… On one cold winter day, a crypto-genius arrived With some rock solid code, picked up by the hive Audited and improved, then released to the wild Bitcoin had been born, Satoshi’s brain-child One day bankers and fascists may look back with scorn On the day when the genesis block was born Like a clock set in motion, with springs that are wound By the hackers who joined, mining blocks to be found Securing transactions of those who believe That middle-men shouldn’t be there to receive More than a small fee to perform a transaction Or invade privacy of those taking the action This idea is fantastic and easy to spread Through incentives devised in the crypto-man’s head The ball started rolling, but Satoshi grew quiet Soon thereafter began the first speculative riot Had he lost faith, become scared, or retired? Maybe he was a banker himself but got fired? AI from the future or a corporate plot? Or was “he” a “them”, or had he been shot? The answers to these, may never be known So we’ll make it a feast, so that you can be shown How thankful we are for what you have built As we sew our transactions on this open-source quilt And we hope that you’re lurking, with smile and a glow As your world-changing software continues to grow If you need some advice on this day, what to do? Please dump some some of your coins, I have buy orders at $2
The Legendary Bitcoin Whale! by Despair_Collector
One big Difference between Bitcoin and a Federal Reserve Note by eightyg
by Andrew DeGraff @drewpatroopa17 for New Scientist (UK)