Jamaican Bobsledders Ride Dogecoin Into Olympics

Andreas M Antonopoulos speaking on bitcoin to nearly empty room 2013 via Cryptograffiti
Speaking just as passionately about Bitcoin to an empty room in mid-2013 as he does now to thousands. Thank you, Andreas. You motivated me to enter this space full time as an artist. You're not just one of the best speakers in our industry, you're one of the best in any industry. pic.twitter.com/tjlEMOHoll
— cryptograffiti (@cryptograffiti) December 7, 2017
Henry Ford proposes Energy Currency December 4, 1921
In the early 20th century, people were interested in replacing gold or the dollar with "the energy dollar” or “units of energy.” The concept was popular due to its sound money characteristics. The flaw? It could not be transmitted or stored easily. from Bitcoin
New-York Tribune December 4 1921 https://t.co/Am9Whb2mx1 https://t.co/aJiZSITcBr pic.twitter.com/4lj9Eohj29
— Bitcoin Art Gallery (@btcArtGallery) January 7, 2022